Monday, July 5, 2010

A New Term begins!, Class 2 - Week -1

The second term just started! and just like the last term, this is a more relaxed week, we had to shoot some video reference and make some planning sketches in order to make an animation with "ballie" (the character we used for the walks), we have a month to finish this animation, i foresee some "happy animating", and i can't wait to start blocking my stuff, i just have to wait for my mentor's approval in order to start. And speaking of mentors, the one i got for this term is Dave Vallone (imdb here, which btw is incomplete), a really nice happy guy with 25 years of experience, that of course means that he has a classical 2D animation background which is awesome. But i'm not going to get carried away with emotions because of his resume and a first impression, i'll tell you how it went when the term is over, i know why i say this ;), but i really feel a good vibe from Dave, he seems to really love teaching.

In my new classroom there are 3 classmates from my previous term, which is somehow comforting, since the rest of the class is made out of US and Canadian guys, oh and one australian guy, but in my mind there are just 2 foreigners in the class, one from India and me, that's like coming from outer space and landing in a human classroom lol!, i guess it's the normal transcultural barrier feeling that you get when you move to another country, which i'll have to get used to if i want to find a good job overseas. Btw, this feels a lot like the real world somehow, so i think this is a good practice, i'm sure everything will be fine.

Again, i'm really grateful to be here, this so far has been a great experience, i've learned a lot throughout these past months, and i´m not just talking about animation. So let's keep on rockin' \m/!!!


  1. Una nueva etapa y aquí estaremos todos sentados en primera fila comiendo cotufitas ;)
    Me encanta tu buena vibra al escribir toda esta travesía.
    Un besito Fer y que sigas aprendiendo cada día.

  2. Mi fiel lectora Eli, gracias!!! :) un beso... y me dejas cotufitas :D

  3. Hey la gente de India siempre está en la sopa. Yo todavía no comienzo el postgrado pero a través de Facebook y Twitter ya conocí a alguien que va a empezar al mismo tiempo que yo y.... Es de India :P
