Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Flamenco! - Class 2 - Week 9

Booo! i missed my weekly post last week, this is still a blocking phase (blocking plus) from my flamenco animation, it's been hard and fun at the same time, the bad news is that the rig is defective and when i spline the feet act really weird,  many people are having the same issue so we'll see how it goes. I foresee stressful times :S, there's so much to do in this 2 weeks!, but i'll try hard to end up with a decent animation :). Flamencooo!!! weird stuff, i'm appreciating flamenco dance with this project.


  1. thats really come out very well indeed, wud luv to c it splined n polished.. :)

  2. After dancing flamenco for 5 years, I can tell your animation is very accurate! Great job! I loved all 10 seconds of it <3
